We are pleased to offer this attractive, full-color 24” by 36” poster that will make a great addition to any artifact room. Price includes shipping and a mailing tube.
Three panel frame may vary in style depending upon availability of frames. This display includes a cast of the “original” Folsom point from Folsom New Mexico. When discovered “insitu” in 1927, this discovery changed the understanding of how long people had been in the New World. Prior to this time, most archaeologists thought people had been here about 3000-4000 years. In a special licensing agreement with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (where the original is housed) we are able to sell the replica plus include a picture of the point “insitu” as it is displayed at the Museum. A portion of the proceeds go to the Museum for ongoing work. Price shown includes $12 for shipping. (US only).
We were honored and pleased that Mark Mullins allowed us to cast this exquisite set of Folsom points from the High Plains. These points represent a wide variety of Folsom styles and technology. At the present time we are only selling these as a set and not separately. That may change in the future, but for now we are doing the entire set. $25 of each purchase goes to support Lile’s Angels. This is a support program for parents who have lost children as the Mullins did a few years back. A great program with supporting.
Blackwater Draw is one of the most important Paleoindian sites in North America. Located near Portales and Clovis New Mexico, this site has yielded important information on America’s Prehistory. This particular order includes 3 Clovis point casts and 3 Folsom casts from the Site itself. The main material in the original points is Edwards Plateau chert.
Mammoth Run Press is pleased to announce the publication of E. Mott Davis's seminal work entitled, The Culture History of the Central Great Plains Prior to the Introduction of Pottery. This work includes the detailed descriptions of the Medicine Creek Reservoir Site, the Red Smoke Site, the Lime Creek Site and the Allen Site (Nebraska). This is very fascinating work edited by Ruthann Knudson and Don G. Wyckoff, with a moving forward by Dr. Wyckoff. The book contains over 300 pages with many charts, graphs and pictures along with a discussion of typology on the central plains as it was understood in 1954. If you love historical archaeology, you will enjoy this fascinating work and Mammoth Run was honored to publish this great book. Thanks for looking! I know you will enjoy this work if you love real archaeology!
Hell Gap casts. Casper Site, Wyoming. The prices on the points are from an old picture. The actual prices are higher. You can contact me at mammothrun@gmail.com to purchase specific points or get actual pricing.
View our complete list of artifacts we have casted. Some of the artifacts listed aren't in our store, but feel free to contact us for more information on the artifacts listed in our database.
This book has 250 pages and is in full color. There are many photos of amazing artifacts, stories about collecting and other musings about the author’s love of the all things ancient and his appreciation for his home along the South Platte River in eastern Colorado. Price includes postage.