Check out some of our latest Casting Products
This is Tom’s 5th book in a series of 6 artifact books. It has been out of print for 5 years, and we recently did a 3rd print run to make it available. Please go to “Shop” for more information.
MAY 2022! We are pleased to announce that we have reprinted (with a few minor revisions) Jeb Taylor’s PROJECTILE POINTS OF THE HIGH PLAINS. Full color, laminated cover and spiral bound. If you have been searching for this book, here it is. Available May 10th.
August 2020. What a year it has been. We’ve been busy doing some work for an upcoming exhibition in Idaho and haven’t added much new, however we do have a pair of metal point casts that will interest some of you.
March 2019
WE are pleased to announce that Tom’s new book, “NEVER A WALK TOO FAR” is now available. Tom has written 5 previous artifact books, most of which are out of print now. This book is full color, 8.5” by 11” format with many pictures of artifacts and stories about life and artifact hunting. 250 pages.
As of January 2019 we have added a number of nice pieces to the “Shop” Page. These include a KRF Eccentric, An Alberta Cache, along with several large Clovis casts. Please check out our “Shop” page for more information. Thanks!
February 2019: We are building our “Q” for making molds and subsequently making casts. If you have a point that you would be interested in having cast, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can get it into the “Q”. We treat your artifacts with great care and we believe that you’ll be pleased with the product you receive. Our prices are very reasonable and we strive to match no only primary colors but subtle hues as well. You can send a picture of a point you’d like cast to us a and we will give you a price on casting your artifact.
Shifting Sands
We have cast a number of artifacts from the Shifting Sands Site (Texas) that Richard Rose has been collecting for 35 years. Over 1200 artifacts have been recovered. We cast an assemblage that includes many examples of Folsom/Midland tools and projectile points including: ultrathin knife; radial break tool, uniface tool; uniface tool (that was broken and rechipped); graver;miniature point; pseudo-fluted Folsom; Folsom that was broken, retipped and rebased "upside down"; Midland point; Folsom point; scraper; point fragment that is Folsom on one side and Midland on the other; channel flakes that refit to Folsom preform. This assemblage is for sale as a group. Also, we will be including with each purchase of a set, a 30 page report written by Richard Rose (2011) on the Shifting Sands site.
on May 10th, 2022, we will have copies of Jeb Taylor’s classic book on point typology, reprinted with spiral binding. If you’ve been searching for this book, look no further. Please go to “SHOP” to order.